Tag Archives: Missouri Tigers

Catch A Tiger By His Tail

9 Oct

COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) – Missouri Tigers wide receiver Dorial Green-Beckham and two teammates have been suspended after they were arrested by campus police on drug charges.

Dorial Beckham-Green, Levi Copelin and Tory Boozer

Two other players were also suspended, though they were not arrested.  All are freshmen.

University police said Green-Beckham, Torey Boozer and  Levi Copelin were sitting in Green-Beckham’s white Lincoln Navigator in a parking lot near Memorial Stadium shortly before midnight when a patrol officer approached and smelled marijuana.

Each was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of possession of 35 grams or less of marijuana and released with a summons to appear in court next month.

A team spokesman said the players will miss at least one game. So will Harold Brantley and Brandon Holifield, who were in the car but not arrested.

Missouri Coach Sidelined After Drunken Driving Arrest

19 Nov

COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) – Missouri has suspended coach Gary Pinkel for Saturday’s game and frozen his salary for a year after his arrest on suspicion of drunk driving.

Gary Pinkel

Athletic director Mike Alden announced the disciplinary measures Thursday afternoon. They include a total of about $300,000 in penalties, including a donation to a campus alcohol-awareness program, and 50 hours of community service.

He will miss Saturday’s home game against Texas Tech.

Boone County Sheriff’s Office records show that deputies pulled Pinkel over in Columbia on Wednesday night. He was released from jail after posting a $500 bond.